Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Snowing all year

Pano - January 5, 2010

This is a picture of a snowfall. And I should tell you that it has snowed all year, every day this year! Yes, it started snowing on New Year's Eve and hasn't stopped. Oh, it hasn't been a heavy snowfall but to make up for that Mother Nature made sure that it was very cold and windy, which made it most uncomfortable to be outside - and that includes running the snow blower of course!

The above panorama photo is composed of 4 images, stitched together via Microsoft's ICE program (a free download). The only problem is that sometimes I don't get enough coverage with the photos and I get a black section somewhere - essentially a space not covered by any image. The photo above was one of them. I had two programs that I had tried before but with disappointing results for both of them, so I didn't use them. I tried again with this photo, and ImageMender worked quite well for this photo with only a few artifacts, and the leftmost branch of the tree on the right side of the photo was repaired quite well too. The other program, InPaint, didn't work very well as it stuck pieces of branches in the middle of the sky at the top of the image. Not good.

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