Saturday, June 05, 2010

Peonies and Goldfinches

A pale pink peony, just about to open up. We have no idea what this one is called because Freda purchased it on sale - it was half dead and with no tag.

A beautiful white peony with a golden center - brilliant yellow like the Goldfinches. We have no idea what this one is called either because Freda purchased it on sale - it was half dead and with no tag. You can see an ant in the yellow center, at about the 11 o'clock position.

An ant on another bud of the white peony. Those ants move in and out of focus (at macro mode) so quickly!

Hmmm, something strange is going on with a few leaves on one of the lilac bushes.

This is a Black Walnut tree that a former co-worker gave to Freda. We have some other ones that we planted in our little forest. This little tree had a hard time last year because Taz kept peeing on it and that was killing the leaves.

The first time I have ever seen on the Goldfinches at the mixed seed feeder.

The finch feeders had got down to about half full so I filled them up so now more of these finches can eat at the same time.

This juvenile male American Goldfinch looks quite wet from the rain! At least he knows where to go to get a good meal. :)

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