Thursday, November 17, 2005

Day 224 - roofing progress

Thursday, Nov 17th, 2005

No drive-up photo today as it would be the same as yesterday. However, the difference today is that the roofers are hard at work. Here the roofer is working on finishing the valley. This part goes more slowly as each shingle needs to be trimmed along the valley line. It was so windy yesterday afternoon that the shingles were flapping and tapping out mystery messages to each other in morse code.

This is a closeup photo of the ridge vents. They are constructed out of heavy gauge steel using the same material as the valleys. They were fabricated in the east end of Ottawa by a guy with a metal brake. Ridge vents give more venting space than the traditional types of roof venting.

I wrote above about the high winds experienced yesterday. In fact, it was so strong it blew Charles sign over, breaking the uprights in the process. It had blown over a few weeks ago and I stood it up and put a "few" rocks on the base so it wouldn't blow over. Since it couldn't blow over, it just broke!

I will not be able to visit the site tomorrow morning, so there won't be any new pictures until the weekend. Hopefully the roof will be almost complete by then!

We meet Charles on Saturday to review the expenses to date.

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