Monday, May 31, 2010

Bugs and generators

some kind of flying insect that it looks like the fish would enjoy eating.

We had a 13 hour power outage on Sunday May 23rd and a 2 1/2 hour outage on Monday May 31st. This is our generator in action providing standby power to the necessities (fridge, freezer, well pump, sanitary pump, and a few lights and plugs)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Flowers from the front yard

These photos were all taken on May 30th or 31st, 2010.

Morden Centennial

Rose from Debbie

Lambert Klossen rose.

Morden Blush rose.

A sweet rose!

Weigelia (???)

The flower pots on the path by the front steps. The little flower bed looks nice with mulch on it.

The rose garden in front of the house.

Flowers from the back yard

These flower photos were all taken on May 30-31, 2010.

A beautiful fragrant peony in the back yard.

Another peony. The heat last week made the peonies open early and also put an early end to the wonderful blooms.

A closeup of a lilac bloom - if it's not windy, the scent in the air is heavenly.

Some kind of daisy.

I think this is called Huchera. Very dramatic foliage.

Peonies and lilacs in the back yard

Blanding's Turtle

Diary of a turtle.

May 29th: We came back from walking the dogs to find a turtle in our back yard! Here, it seems the turtle is trying to get camouflaged with the yellow Kong. Well, at least its neck matches... :) So I looked up the turtles of Ontario to identify the turtle.

Meet a BLANDING'S TURTLE. This is undoubtedly a female, because it was so far from the water. This is the description from Natural Resources Canada:
This medium-sized turtle is easily recognized by its bright yellow chin and throat and extremely long neck. It is sometimes called a "semi-box turtle" because of its high-domed shell and partially hinged plastron. Blanding's Turtles are a Threatened Species in Ontario and protected under Ontario's Endangered Species Act.

We walked up to the turtle.

She was scared so she pulled in her head, legs and tail. I was wearing a red shirt and turtles (a) have good vision and (b) are scared of red.

We think this was the same turtle that was trapped in our yard last year, so we 'walked' it out of the yard. They actually can move at a decent pace, I was surprised because I always thought turtles were very slow.

And walked...

Freedom! So we saved her from getting trapped in our backyard.

May 30th: The next day, we were very surprised to see the turtle again, but this time in the front yard.

Here she is again, we think she's looking for a place to lay her eggs.

A close up of Lady Turtle Blandings.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Watching the Robins - from babies to leaving the nest

May 17th: The mama robin feeding her young.

May 21st: Mama Robin guarding her babies in the nest.

May 24th: The robin babies alone in their nest, waiting for mama to come back with some food.

May 26th: Baby robin.

May 27th: Leaving the nest

May 27th: the first Baby Robin to leave the nest

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Action in the water

Two families of Canada Geese with their babies. They like going up on the hill by the lake, but not too far from the water. Tawny likes chasing the geese, but the momma and papa keep a good watch so the always make it into the water with their babies before Tawny can reach them.

I've been trying to get an action shot of Tawny just entering the water and making a big splash. I haven't quite got it - it's quite hard to do that! This one is a fraction of a second early - she's just pushed off with her back legs to make a big jump for the Kong which has landed in the water a little bit ahead of her.

And this photo is a bit late. But it does show the amazing wake that she creates.

And this one is only marginally late. You can see how Tawny tilts her head up so she keeps her nose out of the water as she sinks down, just before she gets her forward momentum going.

"Oh, I'm so tired. I'm just going to stand here a moment with my eyes closed."

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tadpole Hunting

This blog entry is a guest entry by Taz!

Tadpoles - the objective. Oh they are so much fun!!!

Hunting tadpoles requires extreme skill and concentration. And it's a lot of fun too! Did I mention that already?

Then a giant leap of faith, hoping that the tadpole doesn't see your shadow or movement and swim away.

The pounce!

Missed again!

But you have to get the water off, so a good shake helps get all the water off your head.

Tawny loves the Kong. This one developed a hole in it and still floated, but you had to squeeze the water out of it every throw or else it would sink, which it has now done... :( If you look just above her ear on the right side of the photo you can see one of those pesky deer flies!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lilacs and a chipmunk

May 15 - a closeup of our neighbour's beautiful lilacs - a wonderful sight when you are going down the road.

May 16 - the little chipmunk that lives in the rocks by the sun deck. This is the critter that Taz always wants to catch when he runs out the door when we let him out.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Enjoying the water

It was a beautiful day to be outside!

And even better if you can levitate over the water... :)

Look up, for good things come from the sky, and not just rain...

Oh look! A Kong!!!! I must catch it NOW!

Meanwhile, tadpoles everywhere are petrified at the merest sign of the shadow of Taz the Hunter!!!

When you play in the water, you have to shake yourself off afterwards.

And shake.

And shake.

And shake again!!

Don't laugh at me - you would get funny grimaces on your face if you shake vigorously like I do!

After shaking like that, any good dog is exhausted.

But 15 seconds later, Tawny is all ready to go again!!

A while later, after being dried off, Tawny looks fluffy, but really tired.