Friday, October 05, 2007

Indian summer (again)

Another hot day in Ottawa - I think it must have come close to 30C today! Despite the heat, the Canada Geese know that it is time to nip on south, sharpish. Because of the lake, we see hundreds of geese come and go on a daily basis. I figure there must be around 500 geese on the lake or coming in for a landing here (there were more geese on the lake, to the left of the picture).

Tawny was enjoying laying in the sun this morning. I have a bad cold and was also laying down snoozing, partly because I had a Neo-Citran.

After I woke up from my Neo-Citran induced sleep, I decided that since I was just blowing my nose every 8 seconds, it would be a good time to burn the stumps that I had prepared. I had previously dug out around the stumps, and built a teepee of scrap wood around the stumps. However, I didn't have enough scrap wood so the wood burned for a bit and then went out - I don't think it did too much damage to the stumps, unfortunately.


Midnight_Blue said...

haha poor u... that stump story was sad :P

get well soon :D

Mark said...

The only good thing about that sad stump story was the effort would have all been in vain anyway if I had waited until Saturday - because of the rain we had then...