Monday, November 09, 2009

Cold Tail

Tawny had a big play yesterday, as well as a swim in the cold water. And last night we noticed that she was quite uncomfortable, as she would lay down, and then get up a few minutes later, turn around, and lay down again, then repeat a few minutes later. She was holding her tail down and sort of whimpering. These are symptoms of 'cold tail', which is essentially when the muscles she wags her tail with get very sore, so she is unable to hold her tail up. I took this photo on our walk this morning.

It was very nice yesterday, and we realized that the grass needed mowing again, so I went out and cut the front, back, and side lawns. If you look carefully at this photo, just to the right of the foreground tree, you might be able to see a swath of leaves and grass clippings that I need to rake up.

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