Sunday, September 10, 2006

Down about Downspouts

This is a view of the front of the house - you can see the grass seed is really starting to take. Yippee!!!
We had eavestroughing installed. Before doing so, I asked Jason, who was going to be adjusting the grading around the house, if we should installed the eavestroughs before or after he did his work. Jason said "before", so we had the eavestroughs installed.

Then Jason's crew came along and they raised the level of the ground by the house, which meant that the downspouts were too low! Today I corrected that for three downspouts (shown in this collage on the top row and bottom right). There are two downspouts that I can't really raised because the parging was done around the downspouts, instead of underneath them! There are a couple of others that are on the downhill side of the house that I didn't change - they may need to be changed next year.

The photo on the bottom left represents about 14 or 15 wheelbarrow loads of rocks that Freda and I pulled out of the topsoil. I spread those rocks out here to prevent erosion on this slope beside the house.

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