Sunday, July 23, 2006

Bird identified: Juvenile Male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

On July 12th (Save the Birds) I posted about an unfortunate bird that smacked into our window and killed itself. I had never seen this kind of bird before and asked what it was.

Some friends of Freda's suggested it was a female Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. Armed with that information, I googled for that bird but none of the descriptions for the female RBG said anything about red under the wing, so I didn't think that was it.

My mum talked to a Naturalist at the John Janson Centre in Edmonton, who identified it as a juvenile male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. I googled some more and found some really good pictures at this archival page A Glut of Grosbeaks from Hilton Pond Center, SC (US). The juvenile male RBG has similar head and breast colouration as the adult female, except it has red under the wings whereas the adult female has yellow.

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