Thursday, December 21, 2006

Clean like a pro!

An article in the Ottawa Citizen mentioned that microfiber cloths worked like a charm for cleaning taps, mirrors, etc. All you had to do was get them slightly damp and then wipe down - no cleaner needed.

Now, you could go and pay $20 for a set of 2 microfiber cloths at a specialty shop. I had bought a package of microfiber cloths at Costco for wiping down the car after washing it (no - I never did wash the car this year either!), 20 cloths for $15 or so.

After showering, I sqeegee the glass, and then wipe the glass and taps down - this gets the cloth slightly damp - and then I wipe down the taps on the sink after I get out of the shower. Everything is sparkly and shiny like new!

There you have it - a tip on how to clean like a pro.

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