Thursday, April 27, 2006

Stucco and Mother Nature

Mother Nature is unpredictable. Last week we had beautiful sunny days with temps above 20C. This week, the temps have been in single digits, and we have had some frost in the mornings. It started raining last Saturday, and rained until Tuesday evening, and another shower yesterday afternoon.

The stucco company was planning on starting this week. Some scaffolding was dropped off last week in preparation. In order to guarantee the work, the stucco guys will not work unless the daytime low is greater than 6C. Well, the weather this week has been cold and rainy - not good for stucco.

It's too bad they couldn't have taken advantage of the nice weather last week to get the scaffolding set up. Although it's -1C as I write this, today is supposed to be a nice suuny day with a high of 9C, so hope things will get kicked off with the scaffolding today.

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